About Me

- Steve Willoughby
- Branson, Missouri, United States
- A marketing consultant, a radio personality, a proven public speaker. Steve Willoughby is ready to inspire, motivate and entertain your group.
Willoughby's Favorites
What Tony Orlando says about Steve Willoughby...
I have been in show business for many years. I have had many mentors, some famous, some super famous, and some who should be famous. Steve Willoughby should be famous. He is intelligent, he is real and he has tremendous ability to speak from his heart and reach yours. I am proud to call Steve Willoughby my friend and recommend him to you.
Tony Orlando, TV, Film, Broadway, and International Recording Artist.
Tony Orlando, TV, Film, Broadway, and International Recording Artist.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Do you have a Simon Cowell?
Okay, I am not a huge TV watcher. In fact, you would be amazed how few channels I get at my house. However, I find American Idol fascinating. Here's why.
1. I admire the contestants, the talented ones, who are willing to put it on the line. If you dream big, you have to be able to risk failing big. I recently saw an interview with Carrie Underwood, she never expected to win Idol, in fact, the plane ride to Hollywood, was her first plane ride. What was her biggest fear, embarrsing herself in front of her family and friends. Is fear holding you back from a dream?
2. Just the overall effect that Idol has had on our society. Remember that the producers and creators of Idol could not get a network to pick the show up. It wasn't until the daughter of a Fox Executive saw Idol overseas, that the show was picked up. Have you given up on a dream because people said no? Maybe you should keep asking.
But here is the focus of this post. Simon Cowell makes the show for me. I like Simon because you either love him or hate him...there is no middle ground. (I have heard that about some people on the radio) Frankly, I love talking to the people who do not like Simon. They talk about how mean he is to the contestants, how uncaring, how cocky, how pretentious.
To me, Paula usually sounds like she has misread the prescription directions, Randy is more interested in his street cred than anything else. But regardless of what you think of him, Simon provides real information and help. When people listen to him, they improve. So do you have a Simon Cowell in your life? We all need one.
It is difficult to always speak the truth. When our sales team "practice pitch" the easy way out is to talk about how good they did. That does not help them. We have to give correct, honest and direct feedback on what they need to do to improve.
Frankly, Branson needs a Simon. Everybody, including me, will discuss in a smaller group some of the difficulties facing Branson. Very few, including me, will voice those concerns in an open group discussion. Tomorrow's Branson needs a Simon today.
What about you and your business? Would it benefit from someone who could tell you how you could improve and not really worry about your feelings? The next time you hear criticism, constructive or not, take a step back and see if they have a point.
Find a Simon -- then act on their suggestions. Who knows, you might be The Next American Idol. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
1. I admire the contestants, the talented ones, who are willing to put it on the line. If you dream big, you have to be able to risk failing big. I recently saw an interview with Carrie Underwood, she never expected to win Idol, in fact, the plane ride to Hollywood, was her first plane ride. What was her biggest fear, embarrsing herself in front of her family and friends. Is fear holding you back from a dream?
2. Just the overall effect that Idol has had on our society. Remember that the producers and creators of Idol could not get a network to pick the show up. It wasn't until the daughter of a Fox Executive saw Idol overseas, that the show was picked up. Have you given up on a dream because people said no? Maybe you should keep asking.
But here is the focus of this post. Simon Cowell makes the show for me. I like Simon because you either love him or hate him...there is no middle ground. (I have heard that about some people on the radio) Frankly, I love talking to the people who do not like Simon. They talk about how mean he is to the contestants, how uncaring, how cocky, how pretentious.
To me, Paula usually sounds like she has misread the prescription directions, Randy is more interested in his street cred than anything else. But regardless of what you think of him, Simon provides real information and help. When people listen to him, they improve. So do you have a Simon Cowell in your life? We all need one.
It is difficult to always speak the truth. When our sales team "practice pitch" the easy way out is to talk about how good they did. That does not help them. We have to give correct, honest and direct feedback on what they need to do to improve.
Frankly, Branson needs a Simon. Everybody, including me, will discuss in a smaller group some of the difficulties facing Branson. Very few, including me, will voice those concerns in an open group discussion. Tomorrow's Branson needs a Simon today.
What about you and your business? Would it benefit from someone who could tell you how you could improve and not really worry about your feelings? The next time you hear criticism, constructive or not, take a step back and see if they have a point.
Find a Simon -- then act on their suggestions. Who knows, you might be The Next American Idol. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
American Idol,
Carrie Underwood,
Simon Cowell
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Grit, Dedication, and doing it yourself.
A story about grit, dedication, and doing it yourself.
A young married couple had a dream to build a house. Like most young couples (and some older couples) they really did not how to go about it. So, they made an appointment with a banker. The banker told them no. The young man, asked what they had to do to get a loan.
The banker gave them simple objectives, Pay X -- Save X, he would give them a loan. They did, he did, and they built that home, sold it, built others, sold them and today through hard work and dedication, they are two of the nicest, most supportive, successful people I know.
Here is why I tell you that story.
1. Don't be afraid to ask questions. When you don't know how to do something, ask. The same guy in the above story always says, "You know what you know, I know what I know" Mechanics works on cars, bankers loan money, managers manage, builders build. Just because they know their job, doesn't mean they know it all.
2. Any goal is going to take work, if it doesn't it's not a goal. When the banker told them what they had to do to get their loan, they went to work. They made adjustments, they worked longer hours, together - they did what they had to do. Yes, it's important to read, dream, visualize, but you have to work.
3. They always remember how they felt and what they went through and they are always supportive of others who are willing to work hard and reach for their own goals.
Now, take those three steps and make it happen. Regardless of what you want to do, those three simple steps will help you achieve your dream. Want to write a best seller, get in shape, run a marathon, have your own radio show, it really does not matter, those steps will lead to success.
Get direction...find someone who knows and let them point you down the right road.
Start walking...it will take work, it will take sacrifice, it will take focus, but you can get there.
Help someone else. As you learn, you can help other people -- give them advice, give them support - encourage them. Now, get to work. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
home ownership,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Don't let yesterday keep you down.
My "quick" research discovered that Harold Bell Wright's father was a drunk who moved his family from place to place. Yet, Harold Bell Wright grew up to be very successful.
I have a friend who really never knew his father. However; he is one of best dads that I have ever been around.
Michael Jordan was cut from his Junior High basketball team, he became one of the greatest to ever play in The NBA.
Three great examples of overcoming your past and becoming a success. What about you? Are you holding onto the past and letting it keep you from a better tomorrow?
All of us can point to something that can keep us from achieving. If we keep holding onto what is holding us down, we can never grab something that will lift us up. Whether it's medical, a family situation, a bad boss, whatever, you owe it to yourself, to your family and to God to let it go.
Every day is a gift, you are never too old or young to let go of the past and reach to accept that gift of a better today that overcomes a bad yesterday. Give it a try. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
I have a friend who really never knew his father. However; he is one of best dads that I have ever been around.
Michael Jordan was cut from his Junior High basketball team, he became one of the greatest to ever play in The NBA.
Three great examples of overcoming your past and becoming a success. What about you? Are you holding onto the past and letting it keep you from a better tomorrow?
All of us can point to something that can keep us from achieving. If we keep holding onto what is holding us down, we can never grab something that will lift us up. Whether it's medical, a family situation, a bad boss, whatever, you owe it to yourself, to your family and to God to let it go.
Every day is a gift, you are never too old or young to let go of the past and reach to accept that gift of a better today that overcomes a bad yesterday. Give it a try. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
bad boss,
Harold Bell Wright,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Are your ads working?
Honesty is still the best policy!
There is a local pizza establishment who actually admitted, in their radio commercial, that they had a problem. Why in the world would they do this in their advertising? Because they went on to talk about how they were going to strive to fix the problem.
Original problem: Customers felt that delivery took to long.
Reason for the problem: Quality was number one. The pizza establishment wanted to have hot fresh product, so they waited to prepare the order until they were sure that there would be a driver ready to deliver it.
New Commercial: The owner explained the problem, the reason for the problem and then talked about how they were going to fix the problem. Still assuring the customer of fresh product.
This commercial stands out, because it communicates an honest attempt to improve.
Billboards with so much information the little old lady driving 10 miles an hour couldn't read it.
I could go on and on.
Stay Tuned!
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
There is a local pizza establishment who actually admitted, in their radio commercial, that they had a problem. Why in the world would they do this in their advertising? Because they went on to talk about how they were going to strive to fix the problem.
Original problem: Customers felt that delivery took to long.
Reason for the problem: Quality was number one. The pizza establishment wanted to have hot fresh product, so they waited to prepare the order until they were sure that there would be a driver ready to deliver it.
New Commercial: The owner explained the problem, the reason for the problem and then talked about how they were going to fix the problem. Still assuring the customer of fresh product.
This commercial stands out, because it communicates an honest attempt to improve.
So many people want to "get their moneys worth" that they hurt the effectiveness of the advertising. We have all seen it: Radio commercials full of "commercial speak" For all your ________ needs, come see the friendly folks, conveniently located ____________.
Hint...If you can take out the name of your company and insert your competitors name, you got yourself a bad commercial.Billboards with so much information the little old lady driving 10 miles an hour couldn't read it.
I could go on and on.
One of my marketing heroes Roy Williams says it best, "I have never seen a campaign fail because they were reaching the wrong people, but I have seen thousands fail because they had really bad ads"
Really good ads need to start with a really good business with a story to tell. Then they tell the listener/viewer how their lives will be better by using the product. So, are your ads working?Stay Tuned!
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Roy Williams
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Playing for a Championship
January and early February are the months that college and professional football crown their champions. Is your business giving a championship effort?
Champions share these values:
Hard Work: There are a number of things that keep us busy that does not focus on the customer. We forget that we actually have to role up our sleeves and get to work. In business, you have to sell something. Are you asking enough people to buy?
Training: A good team understands the fundamentals. Practice does NOT make perfect, PERFECT practice makes perfect. On a championship team, you will never hear a coach say...that was good enough -- they keep working until it is perfect.
What about your training? Do you have a clear training guide? Is good enough good enough? Or do you insist on perfection? Does your team practice in front of the customer?
Accountability: Frankly, the players know that if they can't get it done, the coaches will find someone who can.
What about your staff? I am not talking about being crazy and having your team freaked out whether they have a job or not. I am talking about a program that shows the employee how they stand. Above average, average, below average, etc.
Mental Attitude: I know people like to make fun of this one. Show me a champion, I will show you someone who has a strong mental image of what can be achieved.
What is the attitude in your business? Do you have an ain't it awful club? How much money is that costing you every year? Remember, attitude reflects leadership.
Enjoy the games. But spend some time thinking about the team you are on or lead. Are you a contender for the championship? Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Champions share these values:
Hard Work: There are a number of things that keep us busy that does not focus on the customer. We forget that we actually have to role up our sleeves and get to work. In business, you have to sell something. Are you asking enough people to buy?
Training: A good team understands the fundamentals. Practice does NOT make perfect, PERFECT practice makes perfect. On a championship team, you will never hear a coach say...that was good enough -- they keep working until it is perfect.
What about your training? Do you have a clear training guide? Is good enough good enough? Or do you insist on perfection? Does your team practice in front of the customer?
Accountability: Frankly, the players know that if they can't get it done, the coaches will find someone who can.
What about your staff? I am not talking about being crazy and having your team freaked out whether they have a job or not. I am talking about a program that shows the employee how they stand. Above average, average, below average, etc.
Mental Attitude: I know people like to make fun of this one. Show me a champion, I will show you someone who has a strong mental image of what can be achieved.
What is the attitude in your business? Do you have an ain't it awful club? How much money is that costing you every year? Remember, attitude reflects leadership.
Enjoy the games. But spend some time thinking about the team you are on or lead. Are you a contender for the championship? Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Make The Call
Frankly, this one is more for me!
Friday night, we had dinner with a couple, who I had not seen since I was the best man at their wedding. And before then, I hadn't seen him since he was the best man at my wedding.
Why this guy ever really wanted to be friends with me, didn't make a lot of sense.
He was smart -- Me, not so much.
He made great grades -- Me, not so much.
Everybody loved him -- Me (trust me here) not so much.
But we did get along. We loved each other -- he pushed me and I (somehow, not sure how) pushed him. Then we feel out of contact. Nothing happend, but life. He lived his life with his family and I did the same thing.
I was excited that they were going to come by for dinner. As the night unfolded, we learned that he didn't want me to hear about how serious his illness was from anyone but him. He wanted to tell me face to face - that the doctors think his time is limited. It hurts.
The reason that I post this is not for sympathy for me or my friend, neither one of us want it. I post this becuase maybe you have a someone who has helped you, pushed you, made you a better person, and you need to tell them that you care, you appreciate them, that you love them.
Maybe you have fallen out of communication with someone whom you want to call.
I am going to stay in much better communication with my friend -- I am just sorry that it took this to make it happen. Got anybody you need to call? Stay tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Friday night, we had dinner with a couple, who I had not seen since I was the best man at their wedding. And before then, I hadn't seen him since he was the best man at my wedding.
Why this guy ever really wanted to be friends with me, didn't make a lot of sense.
He was smart -- Me, not so much.
He made great grades -- Me, not so much.
Everybody loved him -- Me (trust me here) not so much.
But we did get along. We loved each other -- he pushed me and I (somehow, not sure how) pushed him. Then we feel out of contact. Nothing happend, but life. He lived his life with his family and I did the same thing.
I was excited that they were going to come by for dinner. As the night unfolded, we learned that he didn't want me to hear about how serious his illness was from anyone but him. He wanted to tell me face to face - that the doctors think his time is limited. It hurts.
The reason that I post this is not for sympathy for me or my friend, neither one of us want it. I post this becuase maybe you have a someone who has helped you, pushed you, made you a better person, and you need to tell them that you care, you appreciate them, that you love them.
Maybe you have fallen out of communication with someone whom you want to call.
I am going to stay in much better communication with my friend -- I am just sorry that it took this to make it happen. Got anybody you need to call? Stay tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Small = Big
Happy New Year!
Let's talk about change.
Change comes in all kinds of forms. I am writing this post with reading glasses on, because my eyes have "changed". I think of our friends, there have been major changes -- two of our best friends, lost their mothers in 2008, one couple had a son get married, another one had a son become engaged, we had a son join the navy, two of us had sons graduate high school, when you think about it we had a lot of major changes in our lives and our friends lives.
You and your friends would be able to create a similar list of changes that stirs various emotions.
Your success in 2009 will be determined by much smaller, consistent changes. Here is a list of small changes that could lead to BIG results.
1. Drink two more 8 oz glasses of water per day. I am not a dietitian or doctor -- but everyone knows drinking more water is better for you. Instead of saying 100 ounces a day -- just make small consistent changes.
2. Make a list of three reasons why you enjoy your job, keep it in your vehicle, then look at it just before you go into work. If you truly can't create a list of three, then do yourself and your boss a favor and find another job.
3. Take the stairs, park 20 feet away from the store than you normally do, take the shopping cart to the corral, instead of just leaving it where you parked.
4. Try to make at least two people feel better about themselves each day. Use the sales clerks name, tell the person behind that the counter that they are doing a good job. If they are doing a bad job, nicely tell their manager.
5. Get up fifteen minutes earlier and read something motivational, or write an email or letter to friends or family, or exercise. You will be amazed what doing something early will help the rest of your day.
6. Hold your spouses hand every day, never miss an opportunity to kiss them.
This list may not include the change that you need to make. That is not the point, what you need to understand is small, consistent changes leads to results.
A sales associate told another manager and me their daily goals for the new year. On one hand, it was impressive. On the other, it would be like having a goal to start running six miles a day six days a week on your first week of training. I told the sales person to cut it by two thirds and if they were consistent with those tactics, they would change their lives.
There is something energetic about a new week, new month, new quarter, and especially a new year. However, without CHANGE, the new quickly wears off, the excitement goes away, and you start telling yourself things like I am not supposed to be in shape, no one in our family ever made big money -- why should I, what was I thinking? You continue to get the same OLD results and the old results lead to more of your old ways.
On the reverse, you make small changes in January -- and you realize that you make more small changes in February -- results lead to more changes which lead to more results -- there is nothing more motivational then success.
Happy New Year and good luck finding the change you need to make for a positive 2009. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
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