About Me

- Steve Willoughby
- Branson, Missouri, United States
- A marketing consultant, a radio personality, a proven public speaker. Steve Willoughby is ready to inspire, motivate and entertain your group.
Willoughby's Favorites
What Tony Orlando says about Steve Willoughby...
Tony Orlando, TV, Film, Broadway, and International Recording Artist.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy New Year
Even though time seems to go by faster and faster -- it's not true. There are still 24 hours in a day, 168 in a week and 52 weeks in a year. The illusion of time going by faster is simply the percentage of time in your reality. Let me explain.
When you are 8 years old -- A year is 1/8 of your reality -- so it seems to take a long time for a year to pass. When you are 48 years old, a year is 1/48 of your reality -- a much smaller portion, givin the perception that it goes by quicker. In 2010, I suggest you use the 5% rule.
5% of 168 hours (a week) is 8.4 hours -- 5% of 24 hours is 1.2 hours. What if you dedicated 5% of your week to your goal? In a little more than 1 hour per day, you could change your life. Lose weight, write a book, learn how to be more financially successful.
What can you give up that is currently taking 5% of your day? Two half hour sitcoms? Surfing the web? Sleeping in? Use the 5% rule in 2010 and see what a difference it will make in your life. You are worth it. Go make it happen.
Happy New Year!
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas!
As we work to improve our abilities and success, may we always remember that the real reason of the season should be our foundation of success. Thanks for joining me every week, I have some more extensive plans in 2010 and will look forward to your feedback.
Merry Christmas!
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, December 14, 2009
How are you fueling your body
The same is true with our body and mind. We have talked about the body with proper nutrition and exercise. One of the reasons I talk about it so much, I struggle everyday and some days are easier than others. But what does not get a lot of talk is what we our putting into our mind. Let me explain.
Self Thought/talk: Do you need to change yours? The old computer term, junk in junk out comes to play here. What is your self thought and self talk. Have you ever said things like:
"I am not very smart." "I will always be fat" "I am not very good with money" "People don't like me"
The brain is a powerful thing -- it hears the I am as a command. You have to be careful how you are programming your own brain. (That's why it's important how we talk to others, especially smaller children)
Your Friends: I have talked before how lucky we are to have such good friends. We joke, we laugh, sometimes we cry, but I have never heard any of our friends tell another one that they can't do something or put down their goals and dreams.
What about your friends? Are you constantly around a negative person? Negative people hate being alone, they want someone with them. Do you have a negative person holding you down?
Your Family: This one is touchy and delicate. Sometimes out of love, our family protects us too much. They don't want to see us get hurt. Be careful how you handle this one. Be loving, be thoughtful, but don't let them hold you back. It's hard to tell if they are negative because they love you too much or they are just negative and they don't want someone in the family successful.
Find someone you can dream with....I am lucky, my wife has put up with my dreams since before we were married; some obtained, some marked off the list and a lot still on the list. She has never been negative about my goals. If you are not as lucky, find CD's of successful people and listen to how they did it. Go to YouTube and type in success.
Your mind and body were created to be powerful, be careful what you put in them.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.Monday, December 7, 2009
We are talking practice....
Iverson is a superstar. His individual talent has led to a number of individual awards, including scoring titles, MVP, etc. I will always remember Iverson for his rant about his coach wanting him to show up for practice, show up on time, and practice hard.
Basically, Iverson called a press conference and said..."I am supposed to be the face of this franchise and we are talking about practice, not a game, practice. (It went on and on and on -- but that was the gist of it) Iverson was too good for practice....that is probably why he never won a title, he didn't worry about the team improving - he knew he could get his points and that is all he cared about.
This post is not about The NBA or Allen Iverson -- it is about your attitude about practice, training, and getting better. I have never managed a NBA star, but I have managed a lot of people who have the same attitude about training and getting better. Some of what I have heard....
"I trained in high school and college, I am not going to do it as an adult."
"That is just silly, I am not going to sound like a robot saying the same thing over and over again."
"I think people can tell when you are so rehearsed, I prefer to just kinda wing it."
I think you can replace any of those statements with, "I'm done. I reached my potential and it's all down hill from here, I would rather whine and complain about things I can't control than work hard on improving and increasing my abilities."
I love to learn, I can learn from every person I come into contact. Whether it's what not to do, or what to do, if you are not learning you are dying. I don't care how good you are and how much you have, when you decide that your learning days are over, the slide begins and everyday that goes by it gets faster and faster.
If you are on that slide, get off. Learn something, go buy an audio CD, ask the young kid at work to teach you something. Once you start, you will realize that you know a lot of things that you are not doing. Two of my favorite quotes about training:
To know and not do is to not know.
Education without action is purely entertainment
Life is too short not to be a life long learner. Start teaching, training, and learning, it will make you feel better about yourself. Stop whining and complaining and start learning. Stay tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.