The same is true with our body and mind. We have talked about the body with proper nutrition and exercise. One of the reasons I talk about it so much, I struggle everyday and some days are easier than others. But what does not get a lot of talk is what we our putting into our mind. Let me explain.
Self Thought/talk: Do you need to change yours? The old computer term, junk in junk out comes to play here. What is your self thought and self talk. Have you ever said things like:
"I am not very smart." "I will always be fat" "I am not very good with money" "People don't like me"
The brain is a powerful thing -- it hears the I am as a command. You have to be careful how you are programming your own brain. (That's why it's important how we talk to others, especially smaller children)
Your Friends: I have talked before how lucky we are to have such good friends. We joke, we laugh, sometimes we cry, but I have never heard any of our friends tell another one that they can't do something or put down their goals and dreams.
What about your friends? Are you constantly around a negative person? Negative people hate being alone, they want someone with them. Do you have a negative person holding you down?
Your Family: This one is touchy and delicate. Sometimes out of love, our family protects us too much. They don't want to see us get hurt. Be careful how you handle this one. Be loving, be thoughtful, but don't let them hold you back. It's hard to tell if they are negative because they love you too much or they are just negative and they don't want someone in the family successful.
Find someone you can dream with....I am lucky, my wife has put up with my dreams since before we were married; some obtained, some marked off the list and a lot still on the list. She has never been negative about my goals. If you are not as lucky, find CD's of successful people and listen to how they did it. Go to YouTube and type in success.
Your mind and body were created to be powerful, be careful what you put in them.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
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