About Me

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Branson, Missouri, United States
A marketing consultant, a radio personality, a proven public speaker. Steve Willoughby is ready to inspire, motivate and entertain your group.

What Tony Orlando says about Steve Willoughby...

I have been in show business for many years. I have had many mentors, some famous, some super famous, and some who should be famous. Steve Willoughby should be famous. He is intelligent, he is real and he has tremendous ability to speak from his heart and reach yours. I am proud to call Steve Willoughby my friend and recommend him to you.

Tony Orlando, TV, Film, Broadway, and International Recording Artist.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankful? Really??

This week is Thanksgiving, a time set aside for us to take time and celebrate all our blessings.  So are you thankful?

 I know, you answered yes.  Very few people, if any, will say no.  Allow me a second to challenge you. 

 When someone talks about blessings, what comes to your mind?  Money, house, car, health?

 This is the week of Thanksgiving, spend some time focusing on your (credit to Zig Ziglar) "Attitude of Gratitude"

If you are reading this, you have access to a computer and the ability to read.  To the illiterate, you are blessed.

If after reading this, you plan on going for a walk or run, you are blessed.  To the lame, you are blessed.

If after readying this, you can come and go as you please, you are blessed. To the prisoner, you are blessed.

This thanksgiving is going to be different for my family, and a lot of families, who have lost family members this year.  Take some time this week and truly count your blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving, have a great week.  See you later.

The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.

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