About Me

- Steve Willoughby
- Branson, Missouri, United States
- A marketing consultant, a radio personality, a proven public speaker. Steve Willoughby is ready to inspire, motivate and entertain your group.
Willoughby's Favorites
What Tony Orlando says about Steve Willoughby...
Tony Orlando, TV, Film, Broadway, and International Recording Artist.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy New Year
Even though time seems to go by faster and faster -- it's not true. There are still 24 hours in a day, 168 in a week and 52 weeks in a year. The illusion of time going by faster is simply the percentage of time in your reality. Let me explain.
When you are 8 years old -- A year is 1/8 of your reality -- so it seems to take a long time for a year to pass. When you are 48 years old, a year is 1/48 of your reality -- a much smaller portion, givin the perception that it goes by quicker. In 2010, I suggest you use the 5% rule.
5% of 168 hours (a week) is 8.4 hours -- 5% of 24 hours is 1.2 hours. What if you dedicated 5% of your week to your goal? In a little more than 1 hour per day, you could change your life. Lose weight, write a book, learn how to be more financially successful.
What can you give up that is currently taking 5% of your day? Two half hour sitcoms? Surfing the web? Sleeping in? Use the 5% rule in 2010 and see what a difference it will make in your life. You are worth it. Go make it happen.
Happy New Year!
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas!
As we work to improve our abilities and success, may we always remember that the real reason of the season should be our foundation of success. Thanks for joining me every week, I have some more extensive plans in 2010 and will look forward to your feedback.
Merry Christmas!
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, December 14, 2009
How are you fueling your body
The same is true with our body and mind. We have talked about the body with proper nutrition and exercise. One of the reasons I talk about it so much, I struggle everyday and some days are easier than others. But what does not get a lot of talk is what we our putting into our mind. Let me explain.
Self Thought/talk: Do you need to change yours? The old computer term, junk in junk out comes to play here. What is your self thought and self talk. Have you ever said things like:
"I am not very smart." "I will always be fat" "I am not very good with money" "People don't like me"
The brain is a powerful thing -- it hears the I am as a command. You have to be careful how you are programming your own brain. (That's why it's important how we talk to others, especially smaller children)
Your Friends: I have talked before how lucky we are to have such good friends. We joke, we laugh, sometimes we cry, but I have never heard any of our friends tell another one that they can't do something or put down their goals and dreams.
What about your friends? Are you constantly around a negative person? Negative people hate being alone, they want someone with them. Do you have a negative person holding you down?
Your Family: This one is touchy and delicate. Sometimes out of love, our family protects us too much. They don't want to see us get hurt. Be careful how you handle this one. Be loving, be thoughtful, but don't let them hold you back. It's hard to tell if they are negative because they love you too much or they are just negative and they don't want someone in the family successful.
Find someone you can dream with....I am lucky, my wife has put up with my dreams since before we were married; some obtained, some marked off the list and a lot still on the list. She has never been negative about my goals. If you are not as lucky, find CD's of successful people and listen to how they did it. Go to YouTube and type in success.
Your mind and body were created to be powerful, be careful what you put in them.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.Monday, December 7, 2009
We are talking practice....
Iverson is a superstar. His individual talent has led to a number of individual awards, including scoring titles, MVP, etc. I will always remember Iverson for his rant about his coach wanting him to show up for practice, show up on time, and practice hard.
Basically, Iverson called a press conference and said..."I am supposed to be the face of this franchise and we are talking about practice, not a game, practice. (It went on and on and on -- but that was the gist of it) Iverson was too good for practice....that is probably why he never won a title, he didn't worry about the team improving - he knew he could get his points and that is all he cared about.
This post is not about The NBA or Allen Iverson -- it is about your attitude about practice, training, and getting better. I have never managed a NBA star, but I have managed a lot of people who have the same attitude about training and getting better. Some of what I have heard....
"I trained in high school and college, I am not going to do it as an adult."
"That is just silly, I am not going to sound like a robot saying the same thing over and over again."
"I think people can tell when you are so rehearsed, I prefer to just kinda wing it."
I think you can replace any of those statements with, "I'm done. I reached my potential and it's all down hill from here, I would rather whine and complain about things I can't control than work hard on improving and increasing my abilities."
I love to learn, I can learn from every person I come into contact. Whether it's what not to do, or what to do, if you are not learning you are dying. I don't care how good you are and how much you have, when you decide that your learning days are over, the slide begins and everyday that goes by it gets faster and faster.
If you are on that slide, get off. Learn something, go buy an audio CD, ask the young kid at work to teach you something. Once you start, you will realize that you know a lot of things that you are not doing. Two of my favorite quotes about training:
To know and not do is to not know.
Education without action is purely entertainment
Life is too short not to be a life long learner. Start teaching, training, and learning, it will make you feel better about yourself. Stop whining and complaining and start learning. Stay tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Most people hate one of my favorite sayings!
I have this saying, a lot of people get tired of hearing it, but it makes sense to me.
It simply says. "if that is the worst thing that happens to you today, its gonna be a great day." Here is why I like the saying:
1. It puts things into perspective. Sometimes, we simply over-react to the smallest problem. For example, how many times have you been following a "slow car" and you decide to pass. Now, you are making great time. Then you get to the next stop light and look in your rear view mirror, and there is the slow car right beside you.
2. It helps you focus on your blessings. Recently, I heard a lady talk about picking up her husbands socks. How she was so tired of constantly picking up after him. Until, he died. Then, there was no more items to pick up. Through her tears, she said that she would give anything to "have" to pick up after him.
3. It helps you move on. How many times has one little thing in our day destroyed our entire day. The person who cut you off in traffic, the drive through worker who forgot to get you ketchup, your friend who forgot to call, etc. Really, if any of those things are the worst thing that happens to you, it's gonna be a great day.
I am not sure why people don't like my saying, but I encourage you to adopt it anyway. Life is life, we can't stop aggravating things from happening. But, we can do something about how we react to those aggravating things.
As the people who fall into the disclaimer category will tell you, sometimes life is truly hurts. Don't waste your energy constantly worrying about the small stuff. Stay Tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Under Oath
During his senior year in college, he was called to testify in civil court. After he was sworn in, the judge was asking him questions. The conversation when something like this....
Judge: What position do you play?
Symanzski: Center, your honor.
Judge: Are you good?
Symanzski: (Deep Breath) Sir, I am the greatest center in the history of Notre Dame Football.
When his coach asked how he could possible say such a bold statement, Symanzski told him, "Coach, I hated to do it, but I was under oath."
How long has it been since you put yourself under oath? How many problems can you eliminate by putting yourself under oath? Let me explain.
If you were honest with yourself, you would admit the things that you need to change to be more successful. How long has it been since you had a conversation with the person in the mirror to discuss what kind of effort your putting into this game called life?
Are you being the spouse and parent you know you need to be? Are you taking care of your body? When you are working, do you work? When you are home, are you truly there 100%? It has never been easier to learn. You can get quite an education by listening to books on Cd's or mp3s when you are driving to and from work. How long has it been since you took advantage of that opportunity?
So my challenge to you this week, put yourself under oath and then take steps to make the changes you need to make. It could be as easy as picking up the phone, calling someone and telling them that you love them. Stay Tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Are your headlights on?
1. A good day at work will never make up for a bad night at home. I am a dedicated employee. I am proud of my job and I am thankful for my job. At the same time, my job will never make up for a bad evening at home. Keep your priorities in line.
2. You only get one body- take care of it. A man I respect and love recently told me that he was eating to live - instead of living to eat. If we take his advice at an early age, our body will provide us with a lot of good days ahead.
3. Anybody can manage, it takes someone special to lead. This world has enough managers. We need leaders who are willing to lead, challenge, and support people to do more than they ever thought possible. One hint, if you are constantly reminding people you are a manager, chances are you ain't leading.
4. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Fear is a killer. Fear kills careers, success, and frankly a whole lot of fun. Successful people still get scared, they just feel the fear and go for it anyway.
A reader recently told me that he thought my blog was too simple. He challenged me to come up with new ideas, new paths to success, and to write about those new ways. To me, that is one of the problems, we are so busy looking for the new ways, we never take the proven paths. Stay Tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availablility. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where is your stopwatch?
Immediately, the pace was faster because they started pushing each other. Then, the new jogger introduced a stop watch to their runs...a base line was set and on each run the time improved, cutting as much as six minutes from their time.
What can we learn? It is one thing to have a goal. However, if you are not measuring your progress, the motivation and excitement of hitting the goal will soon be lost and you will just be out there running a 15 minute mile. Accountability and measurement are two key components to achieving our goals that are sometimes over looked.
Accountability: Do you have a group of people you can touch base with on a regular basis? This accountability group should be able to push you, challenge you, congratulate you, and drive you to your goals.
Measurement: Constant measurement is the best way to achieve progress. The stopwatch provides motivation and feedback while you're jogging. What device are you using to encourage progress with your goals?
Stay Tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Make the changes.
A significant event in her family was what pushed her over the edge to decide to lose weight. She knew that she needed to change her habits to achieve her goal. Here is what she did:
1. Got a coach. She asked one of her girl friends (a one time personal trainer) to be her coach and work-out partner. Accountability!
2. She set a goal. She knew what she wanted to achieve, she set her sights on that goal.
3. Paid attention to what she consumed. She started keeping a food diary. She knew that big changes start with small steps.
4. She started working out a minimum of one hour a day. At first, it was hard. At first, she couldn't complete a lot of repetitions. But as the days turned into weeks then to months....her progress fueled her motivation.
5. She monitored her success every week.
6. She hit her goal.
7. She created a new goal. Life is not about the destination, it is about the journey.
Whether you need to lose weight, be a better spouse, close more sales, or have more patience with your kids, follow her formula and you can make the change that you need to make.
First, make the decision that you are going to change and set your goal. Then reinforce that decision in your sub-conscious mind by changing your habits. Then get help. (Remember, the best way to get what you want is to work with the people who have already obtained it. Then start doing the things those people do.) Monitor your progress and make the changes you need to make.
Just like my friend, you can change your life...when you take the steps you need to take. Stay Tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Monday, October 26, 2009
How do you put on your socks?
In one of the best investments I have ever made in my training was a series that contained very personal and moving stories from O'Day's life. In one of those stories he recalled a time in his life that he called the great depression. Dan was deeply depressed. So depressed in fact that he would sit down to put on his socks and he just stayed there -- staring at the floor.
When Dan admitted this to a friend, she simply told him...."don't sit down to put your socks on, put them on standing up." She wasn't trying to be funny, she was trying to be helpful.
Sometimes we need that little adjustment that will change things drastically. I know that some people are facing a lot of problems that can not be simply solved. But a lot of us repeat the common definition of insanity by doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different outcome. A simple fix is all we need. Some examples:
1. How many people are caught in the same traffic ever day over and over again, when leaving the house a half hour or hour earlier would make the drive to work so much more enjoyable?
2. How many people are NOT taking advantage of their companies training programs and plans, because they would rather wing it? How much money are they losing?
3. How many people are allowing themselves to be robbed of years, because they won't discipline themselves to exercise and proper diet?
4. How many marriages would be better if you remembered how you treated each other when you were dating? If you would call your spouse to see how their day is going or just to hear their voice?
All of these situations could be fixed by something as simple as ....putting your socks on standing up. A small little change would again pay huge dividends. Life is fast, time becomes more precious as the years add up....don't let the little things stop you from living to the max. By the way, if you know anyone in the radio industry and they don't know about Dan O'Day, have them go to http://www.danoday.com/ Stay Tuned.
The next time you need a speaker, make it easy on yourself and call me. I will inspire, motivate, and entertain your group. Check out my speaking demo at www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com then call (417) 339-6568 for availability. The only way I look good is making you look good for booking me.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
After getting it calculated to get us to O'Hare Airport, we changed our minds and decided to go to a restaurant near the Navy Base -- which lead us away from the GPS directions. What struck me as interesting were the commands of the GPS. She didn't freak out, she didn't tell us what kinds of terrible things were going to happen to us, she just merely said....recalculating....in 300 feet take a right and turn around, once we missed that turn, she calmly said.... recalculating in 500 feet take a right and turn around.
As I was listening to those comments, I thought about how life really does the same thing....it gives us feedback, and if we listen to the feedback we should be able to figure out if we should recalculate and try something different. Some quick examples....
1. If you are constantly out of money, you need to recalculate and either figure out a way to make more money or do a better job of handling the money you do make.
2. If you are constantly in conflict with your spouse, boss, or co-workers, recalculate and figure out which one of your actions you need to change.
3. If you need to lose weight, recalculate and understand that it's not a diet or a magic pill you need, just change your eating habits and start getting more exercise.
4. If your ego is constantly getting you into situations that are bad, recalculate and get your ego and actions under control.
Do GPS systems make mistakes? Sure they do. But the majority of the time, if you program it right, and follow the instructions and make the correct turns, you will arrive at your destination. Life is similar, if you program the incredible computer God gave you, your brain, to what you want to achieve and then make the steps and put in the efforts you will see the results.
When you miss a turn or make a mistake, recalculate, correct your path, and you will eventually arrive. Check out my speaking video at http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/
Monday, July 6, 2009
Are you really that busy?
I used to have a client who would take an hour and a half of my time telling me how busy they were. They would go into great detail about all the things that they had to do and had going on. I was younger then, I never had the courage to tell them if they would stop talking about it and do it, they would have more time.
What about you? Are you so busy that you really never get anything done? Do you keep the blackberry by your side, constantly checking email, constantly staying in contact with the world? But yet, never really taking the time to live life -- to focus on the really important things, like family and friends. Afraid, that if you don't get right back to someone, you will miss out.
Look I believe in good customer service, I know that there are times that you need to be there for your clients outside of "normal" work hours -- however, I am also old enough to remember life before email, blackberries, and we seemed to do okay. I am not anti-technology, that is not the point of the post. However, I do believe that you have to have some down time.
My boss says work hard - play hard and too much of either one is a bad thing. I agree. There is a time to work and there is a time for family, for yourself, for your spouse, etc. There is going to come a time for most of us when we realize the end of our travel on earth is close. If all you did was work and say things like, work is my life....that end is going to be very sad.
Work hard -- but play hard, go on vacation, take the long weekend, take the time to smell the roses and tell the important people in your life what they mean to you. If the client can't handle that, feel sorry for them and let them become another person's problem -- life is too short.
Check out my speaking video at http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thoughts on Management
There are many books written about management, as many views as there are managers. If a manager ever tells you that they have it all figured out, BEWARE you are talking to a close minded person.
Some thoughts on management....
You will instantly become a better manager when you hire better people. Surround yourself with people who have more and different gifts than you, you are a better manager.
Talk big picture, but execute like hell. I do believe it is important to get people to truly understand where we are going and the "big picture" is important....but not executing will kill the big picture speech quicker than anything else.
Every person you manage should feel comfortable and understand how to say anything they want to say to you. A rule to consider -- if the door is closed and it's just you and me -- you can say whatever you want to say. However, if you corner me in front of people -- you may not enjoy the conversation.
Be willing to break the rules....Some people will say don't "brag" or compliment one person if you don't brag about everyone. Really? That is like getting participation ribbons -- the real competitors on your team are not interested in participation ribbons -- they want to win.
For me the two most important things to remember.....1. People don't want to be managed, they want to be led. A manager worries about the rules -- a leader does the right thing at the right time.
2. If you are constantly reminding people you are in management, you have a problem. Good Leaders don't have to remind people that they are leaders.
As I read this post, I think of the improvement I need to make as a manager -- it is a constant battle to get better. Good Luck. By the way, if you are working for a good manager, tell them how much you appreciate them -- you are one of the lucky ones.
See my speaking video at http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.net/
Monday, June 22, 2009
Let's talk about goals!
I have a friend who told me about how he keeps his goals in the forefront of his mind. He writes them on a small piece of paper and carries it everywhere. I will not break his confidence and tell you his goals, but I will give you the subjects.
1. His relationship with Christ
2. His relationship with his wife
3. His physical goals -- down to his exact weight and waist size
4. His financial goals -- exactly how much money he is making and how he earns it.
5. His "give back" strategy -- what he will do when he reaches the goals.
6. A date that he wants to hit those goals.
My friend reads these goals a minimum of three times a day and anytime he feels stressed. It is a quick read and, he tells me, it motivates him greatly. The reason this works for my friend, when he is tempted to eat poorly, he remembers his goal. When he doesn't want to make calls about his business, he remembers his goal. When he is tired and tempted not to ask his wife out on a date, he remembers his goals.
Having goals is the first step - but the real secret to reaching goals is doing - doing the things that people do who have already reached the goal you desire. If you consistently do what in shape people do, you will get in shape. If you handle your money as financially successful people do, you will eventually become financially successful. If you treat your spouse as happily married people treat each other, your marriage will improve. Goals are important but it is ALWAYS about DOING.
So what about you? Have Goals? Are you doing things everyday to hit those goals? Go make it happen. Have you seen my speaking video, go to http://www.bransonbuiness.blogspot.com/
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The things we learned in Kindgergarten
Numerous books and articles highlight the things we learned as children, and how important it is to use them everyday when dealing with your customers. However, spend a day going shopping and out to lunch and you will find that there are a number of people who did not read the books and articles, so let's have a refresher.
In kindergarten, we learned to say please and thank you, say hello and goodbye. We learned proper manners, to smile, and to be nice. The question you need to be asking yourself as a manager or business owner is, “are your people following through with those simple gestures?”
If they are, good for you...if they are not, you have a problem.
I am amazed how many times I go into a store and instead of a warm greeting; I am ignored. One store in particular, I had to wait until the two people behind the counter finished their conversation about the weekend before I was waited on.....I still didn't get a greeting...just a stare and they waited for me to start the conversation.
Don't get me wrong, it's not important that it was me...it is important because I am a customer. Customers spend money….employees will end up with some of that money in their paychecks. The more customers, the better the chance the paycheck has of growing.
Bottom line... how are your customers being treated? Do you only judge your employees performance when you are around? If so, what are the odds that your staff acts differently when you are not around? Do you have a secret shopper (s) set up?
Everything you do for your business comes down to the moment the customer comes into the store...make them feel good and you will be surprised how well your business will do. Treat them as an interruption...you will be saying things such as...my advertising doesn't work or the chamber is not getting the people here or some other excuse.
By the way, if you do have employees that make your customers feel special, you had better take care of them -- they are becoming a minority. Have a great day...it's the best one God will give you today.
LOOKOUT SALES PITCH: I have developed a customer service talk that teaches your employees, in a broad sense, about the history of the area and at the same time talks about better customer service. If you are interested, contact me at passionatelyspeaking@centurytel.net
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Have you got to the root of the problem?
The kind of stuff that wraps itself around a fence...and instead of a manly chainsaw, you have to hold trimming shears, or clippers, or whatever you might call them....they are not intimidating, but they get the job done. It was the kind of trimming where you might have to work through the limbs and leaves to get to the root of the brush, but once you get to the root, one cut shows a great deal of progress.
As I was working, I realized that clearing this kind of brush and life have a lot in common. Sometimes we have to work out a problem step by step...but if we are consistent and dedicated, we eventually get to the root of the problem and we make big progress with one change.
Whatever the problem, whatever the challenge, small consistent change will eventually help you find the root and once there -- success is sure to follow. Remember, life is full of challenges -- how we handle those challenges will determine what kind of success we can enjoy. Not all problems can be solved with a chain saw -- some need a more delicate tool, dedication, and determination.
Have you seen my speaking video? Go to http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Advertising made simple
One of my favorite definitions of advertising is, "advertising is what you do when you can't go see someone." In other words, advertising is a sales message about your business.
So think about advertising as a paid salesperson. How do you want your staff to talk to your customers? Do you want them jumping up and down? What about speaking in a bunch of cliche's with speech patterns that make people wonder from what planet they were hatched?
Or do you want your sales people to effectively communicate with your customers from the customers perspective. Do you train your sales people to find the customers problems and solve them. As Dan O'Day teaches, don't talk in terms of features. Don't even talk in terms of benefits. Talk in terms of results.
The old example is the person who is looking to buy a drill, really doesn't want a drill -- he needs a hole in the wall. The day our son left for the Navy, I gave my wife a chain. Frankly it is one of the least expensive pieces of jewelry I have purchased for my wife. But that moment when she opened it is one I will remember forever. It was a celebration of the job she did as a mom, it was a reassurance that as we enter a new stage in our life, I will be there for her and her for me. It was nothing about most of the crap that jewelers want to put into their advertising. It was about the moment.
What about your advertising, is it full of features, benefits or results for your customers. If you have a weak sales message, you can put it anywhere -- it still won't work. Have you checked out my speaking demo, go to http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/ -- Hope you enjoy. Stay Tuned.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A hodge Podge
Don't worry I am not turning this blog into a personal rundown of what I do (nobody cares) but I do have a variety of observations.
1. Directions in our life. I have admitted on this blog and in speeches that my sense of direction is not bad, it is non existent. Luckily, Derinda, Tara, Russell and Eric (who is a pilot) have a great sense of direction and the patience to read a map or GPS. However, ever time we got in the car to drive around Chicago -- I asked that only one person be the spokesperson to give me the direction.
The question is....who is giving you the direction in your life, your career, your marriage, etc. Like driving, life goes better when you have a plan and there are road marks verifying that you are going in the right "direction." Have you looked at your life's road map in a while?
2. It was a great weekend, it was great being with my family. Today, the first thing I did was to stare outside and see the lack of people...just trees. Being a certified red neck growing up in Southwest Missouri, I need that. I understand the "energy" of the city, the incredible view of a city skyline, the fact that the city never shuts down. I just need to shut down from time to time.
I am not a Bible Scholar, but Christ went to be by Himself several times....I think we all need quiet time to think, relax, and be thankful for what we have been given. I didn't notice a whole lot of thankful people in the city.
3. Chicago used to be one the great radio markets in the country. Legendary talent, Legendary stations like WLS, WGN. WBBO, etc. Even on these lendgendary stations, there were some terrible radio commercials. WLS gave people the opportunity to call in and leave a voice mail about their small business and then the station played it back at 51 past the hour. Cool idea -- the problem, was nobody ever talked about the reason to do business with their company. They talked about hours, what they offered, etc - etc. But they never communicated the results of doing business with them. Remember, nobody wants your products, they want the result that your product will give them.
Are you talking to your customers? Are you communicating not features, not benefits, but results..."if you do business with me, this will happen to you? Try it, it works.
I hope that you have gone to http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/ to check out my new speaking video. I would enjoy the opportunity to talk to your group. . Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one! Stay Tuned.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The best things are free!
A final four team could teach us all a lesson. The best things in life are really free.
Villanova is one of the final four teams that will play this weekend. All the teams could teach us about success, they played great team basketball, hit the clutch shots, were prepared, etc.
But I want to focus on Villanova. Villanova beat Pittsburgh with a last second shot (more of a lay-up) with a half of a second left on the clock. But to me, the real story is how the took advantage of the uncontested free throws. For the game, they were an amazing 22 of 23 from the charity stripe. All tournament long, you could watch amazing athletes who can jump high, shoot far, move quick, but they missed free throw after free throw. Not Villanova.....and they are in the final four to prove it.
Let's relate that to your business. How are you doing with the small stuff, the little things that may not be as "sexy" as the seemingly more important or exciting things. Some things to consider...
You get excited about the new client/customer, while you ignore the ones who have been with you for awhile.
You don't return the phone calls as fast as you should.
The thank you card/email is not sent out like it once was.
You don't keep up with the competition as you once did.
If you are wanting to get to the final four, make sure your free throwing shooting is good. Don't take my word for it, you can ask any Memphis fan from last year. Stay Tuned. See my new speaking demo at http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Be willing to fail.
I think it is a lot easier than some people try to make it. There are people who are willing to put themselves on the line, try new things, work and stay focused on the end result. They allow themselves to dream, but more importantly they act on that dream. They believe in themselves and they are willing to risk failing to achieve success.
There are a lot of people, who think they are being supportive and loving, who will tell you to grow-up, forget about your dreams, be happy with what you have achieved, just leave well enough alone. Do you really want to listen to them? Do you have a dream that you can't let go of? Take action, take the step, be willing to fail -- so you can succeed. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Respect follows Responsibility
When you have to be at work at 6:00 AM and you are supposed to be able to communicate, be somewhat pleasant, and sound like you love life....you need sleep. It took me a long time to realize that I either needed to get a job with a starting time of 9:00 AM or stop staying up late to watch Letterman. I had to grow up and be responsible.
Now on the surface....going to bed earlier because you have to get up early is not a scientific break through. However, I believe that our society could learn from that simple lesson. Everybody wants respect....but some are not willing to take the responsibility to earn the respect. Let me give you three quick examples.
1. The banking and housing crisis to me boils down to the ill fated thought that everybody deserved a house -- regardless of their financial situation. The responsible thing to do is work and wait until they could afford the house.
2. There are TV commercials featuring, supposedly, real people bragging about the fact that they owed the government back taxes so they called a 1-800 number and got those taxes reduced. The responsible thing to do is pay your taxes.
3. The fast food industry is under attack because our society is overweight. Hey I struggle all the time with my weight. I have never been forced to pull through the drive through and eat.
And when I did, I should be held responsible not the fast food owners.
Small consistent changes lead to major success. If we want respect, we need to take the responsibility to make the changes. Do you have any changes you need to make? Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Challenge Yourself!
Up for a challenge?
In the midst of the tough economic news, when the market is up and down like a roller coaster, I am going to challenge you to challenge yourself. Here's what I did.
I decided to turn off the TV for thirty days....this was big for me. TV used to be the first thing I turned on when I got home and it really dominated my evenings. Even though I had curbed my TV viewing a lot, I decided to keep the set off for 30 days. Here is what I learned from my experiment:
1. Not listening to all the bad news helped my outlook. I am not suggesting that I was not informed. I kept up with the news via radio and internet. But not listening to the naysayers night after night, was good for me.
2. I accomplished some major goals in my life. It is amazing what you can do when you re-invest as little as thirty minutes a day into your goals. In a seven day week, I probably put as many as eight hours of TV time into productive time. It paid off with three major goals achieved.
3. One of my goals was to create a new speech video demo. While doing that I invested 15 minutes per day in examining and listening to some of our greatest speakers. That time was major for my overall view of my goals and what I could accomplish.
4. When my time is near and the oatmeal is drying on my chin, I won't be wishing that I had those thirty days of tv back.
So the question is to you. Are you up for a challenge? What would happen if you invested thirty minutes a day into your major goals? Good Luck and Stay Tuned!
Go to http://www.bransonbusiness.blogspot.com/ to see my speech demo.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Are you making an impact?
My faith tells me that, because of Jesus' death and resurrection, I will enter heaven some day. My 13 year old friend will be hiding behind the pearly gates; and as I am looking around in the awesome of eternity, he will sneak up and scare me....then run (or fly) away and he will want me to chase him.
I always think of him, but especially when I allow myself to get down or to tired to do something. I think of him and what he would have done, if given time. He seemingly was never tired, he wanted to make the most of his day -- and boy did he. He had an impact on people in his 13 years that most of us won't reach if given 100.
You have been given time on this earth...are you having an impact? Are you too busy worrying about what you don't have instead of taking care of what you do possess? He seemed to make it a goal to make people's day. If we all had the same goal, society would be a much better place. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Is it time for a tune up?
The excitement of the new year is over. How about that excitement of hitting your goals for the new year? Is it time to get re energized?
I challenged you to write a letter to yourself at the first of the year and explain how 2009 was going to be different. If you did that, find the letter and re-read. If you didn't, write one now.
You have to be responsible for keeping things in perspective. Bad news is at an all-time high right now. Radio, TV, Internet, newspaper, etc-etc are in your face talking about the problems you are facing.
With all this bad news, the simple fact is your attitude will determine how you are going to come out of this most challenging time. You have to stay strong, motivated, and keep moving forward. Here are some tips to get you back to the first of the year motivation level.
1. Start the day by writing down five reasons why you feel blessed.
God, My spouse, My house, My kids, My Grand kids, etc.
Don't have five?...yes you do, I will give you three....you are breathing air, you can read, and you have access to a computer.
2. Think about what you want to achieve. Whatever it is, you need to start with the end in mind and take simple steps everyday. Write down three things a day that will help you achieve your goal....mark them off as you complete them. You do three things everyday to hit your goal and your goal will be hit before you know it.
3. Find someone who has done what you are trying to do and ask if you can interview them. Ask them their secrets, how they kept motivated, see if they will mentor you. All they can say is no.
4. Stay positive. In most situations there is reason to be positive. I found out earlier this week that I was not chosen to speak at an event. My thought was....Hearing no is better than not having the chance to speak at all. More people know about me than did last week, there will be other events, I am on their radar. I am moving closer to my goal.
I am a realistic person...I understand that the economy is what it is -- and we are all making changes in our spending and saving. However, the fact remains that you have 168 hours per week to make the most of your opportunities....how much of that time are you watching TV, or talking about how bad things are, or feeling sorry for yourself. Although they disagree when it will happen, most experts talk that the recovery will happen....will you be ready? Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Are you the problem?
The doctor examined her and told her...."you have a broken finger."
I think of that story every time I hear people talking about what it's going to take them to be happy. The clerk behind the counter answers the question, how are you? with "I will be better when I get off work." I always want to answer that with...really? Will you be happier or will you be miserable at a different place?
I never really bought into Thank God it's Friday. Every year, you will have 52 Fridays -- does that mean that the other 313 days are not as important? Even if you take the 104 weekend days out, plus your 52 Fridays that is 156 days...you still have 209 days left. Might as well enjoy them.
When you have a broken finger, it does not matter where you touch, it hurts. When you are not a happy person, it really does not matter what day it is, who your boss is or where you work, you are not going to be a happy person. I can't tell you how many interviews I have had with potential employees and they sit there and tell me what is wrong with every boss they ever had.
I am not talking about not looking forward to things. My wife and I are looking forward to a bike trip with our friends in September, we are on a cruise right now (we looked forward to this) and we just finished a weekend getaway that we looked forward to before that. But unless we are happy with each other, going and going will not matter.
Sit down and have an important conversation with an important person...you. What changes do you need to make? Are you always basing your happiness off waiting. There are a lot of people who follow this path:
1. Can't wait to grow up.
2. Can't wait to get married.
3. Can't wait to have kids.
4. Can't wait until the kids get older.
5. Can't wait to have an empty nest.
6. Can't wait to retire.
7. Can't believe that they did not enjoy life more.
Start realizing that life is full of opportunities, take them. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Do you have a Simon Cowell?
1. I admire the contestants, the talented ones, who are willing to put it on the line. If you dream big, you have to be able to risk failing big. I recently saw an interview with Carrie Underwood, she never expected to win Idol, in fact, the plane ride to Hollywood, was her first plane ride. What was her biggest fear, embarrsing herself in front of her family and friends. Is fear holding you back from a dream?
2. Just the overall effect that Idol has had on our society. Remember that the producers and creators of Idol could not get a network to pick the show up. It wasn't until the daughter of a Fox Executive saw Idol overseas, that the show was picked up. Have you given up on a dream because people said no? Maybe you should keep asking.
But here is the focus of this post. Simon Cowell makes the show for me. I like Simon because you either love him or hate him...there is no middle ground. (I have heard that about some people on the radio) Frankly, I love talking to the people who do not like Simon. They talk about how mean he is to the contestants, how uncaring, how cocky, how pretentious.
To me, Paula usually sounds like she has misread the prescription directions, Randy is more interested in his street cred than anything else. But regardless of what you think of him, Simon provides real information and help. When people listen to him, they improve. So do you have a Simon Cowell in your life? We all need one.
It is difficult to always speak the truth. When our sales team "practice pitch" the easy way out is to talk about how good they did. That does not help them. We have to give correct, honest and direct feedback on what they need to do to improve.
Frankly, Branson needs a Simon. Everybody, including me, will discuss in a smaller group some of the difficulties facing Branson. Very few, including me, will voice those concerns in an open group discussion. Tomorrow's Branson needs a Simon today.
What about you and your business? Would it benefit from someone who could tell you how you could improve and not really worry about your feelings? The next time you hear criticism, constructive or not, take a step back and see if they have a point.
Find a Simon -- then act on their suggestions. Who knows, you might be The Next American Idol. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Grit, Dedication, and doing it yourself.
A young married couple had a dream to build a house. Like most young couples (and some older couples) they really did not how to go about it. So, they made an appointment with a banker. The banker told them no. The young man, asked what they had to do to get a loan.
The banker gave them simple objectives, Pay X -- Save X, he would give them a loan. They did, he did, and they built that home, sold it, built others, sold them and today through hard work and dedication, they are two of the nicest, most supportive, successful people I know.
Here is why I tell you that story.
1. Don't be afraid to ask questions. When you don't know how to do something, ask. The same guy in the above story always says, "You know what you know, I know what I know" Mechanics works on cars, bankers loan money, managers manage, builders build. Just because they know their job, doesn't mean they know it all.
2. Any goal is going to take work, if it doesn't it's not a goal. When the banker told them what they had to do to get their loan, they went to work. They made adjustments, they worked longer hours, together - they did what they had to do. Yes, it's important to read, dream, visualize, but you have to work.
3. They always remember how they felt and what they went through and they are always supportive of others who are willing to work hard and reach for their own goals.
Now, take those three steps and make it happen. Regardless of what you want to do, those three simple steps will help you achieve your dream. Want to write a best seller, get in shape, run a marathon, have your own radio show, it really does not matter, those steps will lead to success.
Get direction...find someone who knows and let them point you down the right road.
Start walking...it will take work, it will take sacrifice, it will take focus, but you can get there.
Help someone else. As you learn, you can help other people -- give them advice, give them support - encourage them. Now, get to work. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Don't let yesterday keep you down.
I have a friend who really never knew his father. However; he is one of best dads that I have ever been around.
Michael Jordan was cut from his Junior High basketball team, he became one of the greatest to ever play in The NBA.
Three great examples of overcoming your past and becoming a success. What about you? Are you holding onto the past and letting it keep you from a better tomorrow?
All of us can point to something that can keep us from achieving. If we keep holding onto what is holding us down, we can never grab something that will lift us up. Whether it's medical, a family situation, a bad boss, whatever, you owe it to yourself, to your family and to God to let it go.
Every day is a gift, you are never too old or young to let go of the past and reach to accept that gift of a better today that overcomes a bad yesterday. Give it a try. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Are your ads working?
There is a local pizza establishment who actually admitted, in their radio commercial, that they had a problem. Why in the world would they do this in their advertising? Because they went on to talk about how they were going to strive to fix the problem.
Original problem: Customers felt that delivery took to long.
Reason for the problem: Quality was number one. The pizza establishment wanted to have hot fresh product, so they waited to prepare the order until they were sure that there would be a driver ready to deliver it.
New Commercial: The owner explained the problem, the reason for the problem and then talked about how they were going to fix the problem. Still assuring the customer of fresh product.
This commercial stands out, because it communicates an honest attempt to improve.
So many people want to "get their moneys worth" that they hurt the effectiveness of the advertising. We have all seen it: Radio commercials full of "commercial speak" For all your ________ needs, come see the friendly folks, conveniently located ____________.
Hint...If you can take out the name of your company and insert your competitors name, you got yourself a bad commercial.Billboards with so much information the little old lady driving 10 miles an hour couldn't read it.
I could go on and on.
One of my marketing heroes Roy Williams says it best, "I have never seen a campaign fail because they were reaching the wrong people, but I have seen thousands fail because they had really bad ads"
Really good ads need to start with a really good business with a story to tell. Then they tell the listener/viewer how their lives will be better by using the product. So, are your ads working?Stay Tuned!
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Playing for a Championship
Champions share these values:
Hard Work: There are a number of things that keep us busy that does not focus on the customer. We forget that we actually have to role up our sleeves and get to work. In business, you have to sell something. Are you asking enough people to buy?
Training: A good team understands the fundamentals. Practice does NOT make perfect, PERFECT practice makes perfect. On a championship team, you will never hear a coach say...that was good enough -- they keep working until it is perfect.
What about your training? Do you have a clear training guide? Is good enough good enough? Or do you insist on perfection? Does your team practice in front of the customer?
Accountability: Frankly, the players know that if they can't get it done, the coaches will find someone who can.
What about your staff? I am not talking about being crazy and having your team freaked out whether they have a job or not. I am talking about a program that shows the employee how they stand. Above average, average, below average, etc.
Mental Attitude: I know people like to make fun of this one. Show me a champion, I will show you someone who has a strong mental image of what can be achieved.
What is the attitude in your business? Do you have an ain't it awful club? How much money is that costing you every year? Remember, attitude reflects leadership.
Enjoy the games. But spend some time thinking about the team you are on or lead. Are you a contender for the championship? Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Make The Call
Friday night, we had dinner with a couple, who I had not seen since I was the best man at their wedding. And before then, I hadn't seen him since he was the best man at my wedding.
Why this guy ever really wanted to be friends with me, didn't make a lot of sense.
He was smart -- Me, not so much.
He made great grades -- Me, not so much.
Everybody loved him -- Me (trust me here) not so much.
But we did get along. We loved each other -- he pushed me and I (somehow, not sure how) pushed him. Then we feel out of contact. Nothing happend, but life. He lived his life with his family and I did the same thing.
I was excited that they were going to come by for dinner. As the night unfolded, we learned that he didn't want me to hear about how serious his illness was from anyone but him. He wanted to tell me face to face - that the doctors think his time is limited. It hurts.
The reason that I post this is not for sympathy for me or my friend, neither one of us want it. I post this becuase maybe you have a someone who has helped you, pushed you, made you a better person, and you need to tell them that you care, you appreciate them, that you love them.
Maybe you have fallen out of communication with someone whom you want to call.
I am going to stay in much better communication with my friend -- I am just sorry that it took this to make it happen. Got anybody you need to call? Stay tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Small = Big
Let's talk about change.
Change comes in all kinds of forms. I am writing this post with reading glasses on, because my eyes have "changed". I think of our friends, there have been major changes -- two of our best friends, lost their mothers in 2008, one couple had a son get married, another one had a son become engaged, we had a son join the navy, two of us had sons graduate high school, when you think about it we had a lot of major changes in our lives and our friends lives.
You and your friends would be able to create a similar list of changes that stirs various emotions.
Your success in 2009 will be determined by much smaller, consistent changes. Here is a list of small changes that could lead to BIG results.
1. Drink two more 8 oz glasses of water per day. I am not a dietitian or doctor -- but everyone knows drinking more water is better for you. Instead of saying 100 ounces a day -- just make small consistent changes.
2. Make a list of three reasons why you enjoy your job, keep it in your vehicle, then look at it just before you go into work. If you truly can't create a list of three, then do yourself and your boss a favor and find another job.
3. Take the stairs, park 20 feet away from the store than you normally do, take the shopping cart to the corral, instead of just leaving it where you parked.
4. Try to make at least two people feel better about themselves each day. Use the sales clerks name, tell the person behind that the counter that they are doing a good job. If they are doing a bad job, nicely tell their manager.
5. Get up fifteen minutes earlier and read something motivational, or write an email or letter to friends or family, or exercise. You will be amazed what doing something early will help the rest of your day.
6. Hold your spouses hand every day, never miss an opportunity to kiss them.
This list may not include the change that you need to make. That is not the point, what you need to understand is small, consistent changes leads to results.
A sales associate told another manager and me their daily goals for the new year. On one hand, it was impressive. On the other, it would be like having a goal to start running six miles a day six days a week on your first week of training. I told the sales person to cut it by two thirds and if they were consistent with those tactics, they would change their lives.
There is something energetic about a new week, new month, new quarter, and especially a new year. However, without CHANGE, the new quickly wears off, the excitement goes away, and you start telling yourself things like I am not supposed to be in shape, no one in our family ever made big money -- why should I, what was I thinking? You continue to get the same OLD results and the old results lead to more of your old ways.
On the reverse, you make small changes in January -- and you realize that you make more small changes in February -- results lead to more changes which lead to more results -- there is nothing more motivational then success.
Happy New Year and good luck finding the change you need to make for a positive 2009. Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this blog on email, be sure and click on the link below to visit my blog page and see interesting facts such as: Daily Bible Verses, Fitness Tips, Financial Tips and Amazing Fact of The Day. Remember, this is the best day God is going to give you today, you might as well make it a great one!